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Participation in the U-A-W? Exhibition at Cateliotissa, Nicosia in the framework of The "U-A-W?" Project, International Workshop and Exhibition about Chrono-urbanism: The "U-A-W?" XS Installation

A high definition small microphone is placed in the “U-A-W?” baggage. The empty space inside the box – revealed by the lights of the exhibition room entering the baggage from the existing side holes – is video projected on a larger screen. The microphone collects all sounds, without any filtering, produced by people and activities during the exhibition. This soundscape functions as the soundtrack of the video and can be listened to via a pair of headphones (2 pairs are available).

 In this sense, the strictly defined space of the box is treated as a canvas invested with multi-rhythmical sounds, noises, talking voices, body movements, suggesting that the city’s principal quality is the place, par excellence, of potential and unexpected encounters.