pick nick     


(re)public fever
in collaboration with Hüseyin Yilmaz

For the Bufferzone Residency at Apartment Project, Istanbul, pick nick tackles the “meaning” of buffer zones and/or borders not just as a “defining line” separating people on the basis of national identity, but as spatial and visual conditions where cultural, linguistic, and socio-economic boundaries are renegotiated. In this way, we became interested in looking for straddle lines of tension between what “is” and what is “hoped for”.

Looking a little closer at the particular type of gentrification processes, which take place in Istanbul, became a focal point of interest for us. The workshops provided a space in which to both observe and consider the forms of zoning regulations in the city. In this vein, we invited photographer, Hüseyin Yılmaz, to participate in the project with his recent documentary photography and videos, which zoom into personal sites and stories of people with different backgrounds – in terms of ethnicity, economic and social class, gender and sexual orientation – intensely effected by the imposed conditions of being temporarily suspended during long procedures of displacement.

also see:
Hüseyin Yılmaz